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Can I list sitting alone day dreaming as a hobby?
I suppose it wouldn't read well on a construction CV.
Or any resume really,
Save that of a philosopher from Ancient Greece.
Such prominent positions, 
(despite changing the World and inspiring people to think),
Are rarely called upon nowadays;
So, not being a professional pastime,
I suppose it is a hobby.

"No, it's you being lazy!"
Says the grinding voice of work,
"It's you shirking your responsibility!"
She repeats - of course it could be a "he"
But we are products of our experience aren't we?
So I'll leave well alone.

We live in hard places.
Yet soft places make the best homes.
Soft words,
Soft expressions,
Soft discussions,
Make happier souls.
And though loneliness has a particular snore that keeps you awake,
It's sound is anything but fake, 
And resonates through the ages in those who sit a while,
To contemplate such things.
As the nature of action,
And the beauty of daydreams.


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